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Great for lessons, family home evening , Primary, Relief Society, Young Women, and Sunday School. Our Downloadable Primary Talks for Kids are written based on the December Topics for Come Follow Me. Feel free to use them for home based lessons, speaking in church meetings, or for personal gospel study. If you are like me, Sunday can get a little bit busy. I have four kids to help get fed, ready and out the door! I often have early morning planning meetings with the bishopric and have to set up the chairs in the Primary room so it is ready for singing time!

Come Follow Me Daily Study Guide filled with videos, object lessons, quotes, short stories, and more! The perfect resource for FHE, Sunday School, Seminary, YW, Talks, and Devotionals. There are over 100 helpful Come, Follow Me resources available online to enhance your study & teaching of the gospel. This is the perfect Come, Follow Me guide for Individuals and Families, Primary, YW, Sunday School, and Relief Society. A wonderful library of lesson helps, videos, podcasts, printables, facebook groups and more with all the church links included at the top.
The Miraculous True Story Behind President Nelson’s Viral Thanksgiving Video
The analogy being, we are faced with many choices in life, where are your choices leading you? Great for FHE, Sunday School, Young Womens and Relief Society. FREE Come Follow Me 2021 printable reading schedule for D&C. Includes additional reading suggestions such as Saints - Volume 1, select Book of Mormon chapters, and a reminder to read a Conference Talk.
I can know and you can also know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It might take some time to understand the answer from God, but it will come. There is one promise in the Book of Mormon that is very famous!
Old Testament Come Follow Me FHE Lesson – Holiness Unto the Lord
In places with a high density of single adult members of the LDS Church, local wards or stakes organize Home Evening groups. The purpose of these meetings is the same as that of family-based Home Evenings, but groups are composed of peers rather than family members. Home Evening groups are most common near colleges and universities, including but not limited to LDS universities, such as Brigham Young University.

This is the time to bring your family together by doing something together! It can be anything fun, like a simple activity, a planned outing, a craft, or a great game. The activity doesn't need to correspond with the lesson, but if it does that would be great.
Children’s Talk for June 13th: I Can Be A Good Friend
Beautiful song "My Own Sacred Grove" by Angie Killian. Perfect addition to any Come, Follow Me Lesson. Great for FHE, Primary, Young Women, Relief Society, Sunday School or sacrament meeting. Aleah is a graduate of Southern Virginia University, where she studied English, Creative Writing, and Dance.

Years ago our youngest child had a serious bone tumor in his lower back. When he was taken to the hospital for surgery, I overheard the doctors in the hallway talking about his condition. They said it was likely that nothing could be done to save our boy’s life. The future of the world has long been declared...the victory has already been posted on the scoreboard...we are still down here on the field trying to decide which team's jersey we want to wear. Perfect quote on Choice and Accountability or Choose the Right, for FHE, Young Womens, Primary, Sunday School, Relief Society. Chain Reaction is a game inspired by the popular TV game show Chain Reaction.
Downloadable Primary Talk PDF: Jesus Gives Me Hope
Matthew thought about teaching his family something he had learned in Primary. He remembered his teacher had told the class that President Benson had said that we should read the Book of Mormon. Matthew went over to his toy shelves.

The person in charge of Family Home Evening is the one conducting the meeting. This is usually the head of the household but the responsibility of conducting the meeting can be assigned to another person. The conductor should prepare for Family Home Evening in advance by assigning duties to other families members, such as who will give the prayers, lesson, plan any activities, and make refreshments. In a smaller family the duties are usually shared by the parents and any older siblings. Photo courtesy of Mormon Newsroom © All rights reserved.
These young men can also bring the blessings of the priesthood into our homes. The personal story of Sheri Dew's greatest regret in life that she will never forget. A great example of how self-doubt, one of Satan's powerful tools, can cause each us to not live up to our potential.

The great thing about holding Family Home Evening is that it is adaptable to any family situation. Everyone can have Family Home Evening. Whether you're single, a young married couple with no children, divorced, widowed, or an older couple who's children have all left home, you can still hold your own Family Home Evening. If you live alone you can invite friends, neighbors, or relatives to come and join you for a fun Family Home Evening or you can hold one all by yourself. Monday nights are set aside by the Church for family home evening.
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